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High yield, high performance solar PV assets.

Solar energy is the largest renewable energy source on the planet. Our specialist teams continuously realise its potential, delivering the highest quality solar projects across the world.

Our impact in solar PV sector:


projects in development


currently in construction globally


owned, managed or operated

Optimising at every stage – our solar PV expertise.

From development to management, our end-to-end capability allows us to maximise the value of solar PV projects anywhere in the world.

We work hard on enhancing operational flexibility and further boost purchasing and financing capacity.

  • UK – from development to operations.

    As the UK’s only independent fully vertically integrated company, we are able to provide the full suite of services for utility-scale solar PV projects. We are renowned for our ingenious designs and approach to problem-solving, delivering the highest-quality projects and maintaining the best performance of assets under our management.

    Learn more about our end-to-end capabilities
  • Greece – international engineering hub.

    Based in the heart of Athens, our team provides international engineering and technical expertise for clients anywhere in the world. We support a large variety of transactions and projects from 5MW brownfield developments in the UK to 100MW greenfield assets in New Zealand. We use the learnings from all our teams to optimise at every step and provide the best strategic advisory services to our global clients.

    Meet our international engineering team
  • Spain – development and operations

    From its inception in 2022, our Spanish business has taken shape and became a recognised developer and lead EPC contractor for solar PV projects. We are currently completing the first 55MW solar PV project near Seville, due to be energised in 2024.

    See our progress in Spain
  • New Zealand – engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) for New Zealand’s emerging solar PV market

    Using our knowledge and experience from projects completed worldwide, we were able to become the preferred contractor for the quickly growing solar PV market in New Zealand. We are now excited to work on a pipeline of 380MW of assets to be build between 2024-2026.

    Learn more about our operations in New Zealand

Better solar projects – the Ethical way.

Our projects are designed to last, operating at optimal rates for their entire lifetime of 30+ years. We work hard to build the highest quality installations and consider our environmental impact at every stage of the process.

  • Sustainable practices.

    From development to operations, sustainability measures and environmental considerations are key to successful projects that stand the test of time. Our land management team at involved in projects from the beginning to ensure we implement not just any measure that ticks the box but the most effective solutions from the start, supporting the local ecosystems and promoting biodiversity post-construction.

    At all our sites, including offices, we take steps to reduce our carbon footprint and improve efficiency.

  • Working alongside communities.

    We understand that every project has an impact on the communities around it. Conscious of the wellbeing of people and the environment around our sites, we take the time to engage with local communities. All projects we develop come with community benefit funds to further enhance the area around. We work with schools and other institutions to cultivate a relationship between the site and the people, facilitating site visits and eco projects.

  • Efficient operations for optimal performance.

    The better the performance ratio of the project, the quicker the repayment of its carbon footprint and the better the return on investment in terms of power generated and revenue. We optimise the performance of our assets and carefully consider enhancements and upgrade that could further benefit the project. These measures prolong the operational lifetime of our sites and improve their yield.

  • Green power supply for all.

    Access to 100% renewable energy power supply used to be only available to the largest corporations. At Ethical Power, we make green power available to businesses of all sizes through flexible Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPAs). We believe that the net zero future is possible and encourage all businesses to explore CPPAs or private wire projects to access truly green power.

    Learn more about green power supply from Ethical Power

Solar is the fastest growing renewable energy sector.

The current boom will increase global solar PV capacity from below 800 GW today to 8,519 GW in 2050. Solar power will supply almost one third of total worldwide electricity demand by 2050 –a ten-fold increase from 2017 levels.

We’re at the forefront of this growth – developing, building and managing projects around the world.

In development

Burcot Solar Farm and Battery Energy Storage Project


Larport Solar Farm

In development

Bilbo Solar Farm