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Cobham Road Solar Park

  • Size:
    49.5 MW
  • Location:
    Surrey, United Kingdom
  • Local Planning Authority:
    Mole Valley
  • Status:
    In Development

What are the benefits?

  • Clean Energy

    Cobham Road Solar Farm will generate enough renewable energy to provide enough electricity for approximately 13,351 households every year.

  • Carbon Reduction

    The project represents a saving of approximately 6,221 tonnes of CO2 per annum – that’s like taking 1,256 cars off the road.

  • Community

    The Cobham Community Fund will help support key local community priorities.


Cobham Road Solar Park is a 49.5 MW grid-connected solar PV project proposed on land north of Cobham Road, Fetcham, within the Mole Valley District. The project is approaching decisions on the planning application, and the site is not subject to any landscape, ecological, or heritage designations.

The solar park would operate for a period of 40 years. It would then be decommissioned with the land fully restored. During that time, the site would remain in agricultural use by way of sheep grazing, which, combined with resting the land, would improve the soil quality over time.

Additional benefits may include a community funding pot for local projects and the payment of business rates to the Mole Valley District Council.

All submitted documents related to the project can be found at the link below.

Biodiversity at Cobham Solar Farm

The project includes the planting of new trees, hedgerows and wildflower meadows to provide new and enhanced habitat and foraging opportunities for wildlife.

The project would result in significant biodiversity net gain compared to existing conditions and will far surpass the mandated 10% minimum net gain.

Key biodiversity measures include:

  • 102.82% biodiversity net gain in hedgerow units compared to existing conditions.
  • 73.96% biodiversity net gain in habitat units compared to existing conditions.
  • 2.3km (1.4miles) of new species-rich hedgerow with native trees
  • 847m (0.5 miles) of enhanced hedgerow with native fruiting and flowering species.
  • 482,800m2 (119 acres) of enhanced species-rich grassland within the panel array.
  • 20 bird nesting boxes on retained trees throughout the site.
  • 10 bat roosting boxes on retained trees throughout the site.
  • Several bird (skylark) enhancement plots, each measuring 6m2
  • 4 hibernacula to provide long-term sheltering for amphibian and reptile species.

Public Consultation Event in Fetcham

We held a drop-in public exhibition on Wednesday, 12th July 2024, in Fetcham. This was an opportunity to view our plans and discuss the proposals with the development team.

If you were unable to attend the event, download the consultation boards.

You can still provide feedback about this project online or by emailing us at cobhamRoad@ep-development.com